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anyone with bupa?is it worth it?

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pinkcowprint | 14:08 Tue 29th Jun 2010 | Body & Soul
29 Answers
the thought of cancer etc has scared me more after having my little boy,do you think it's something we may start looking into with the way nhs is going?
or am i being paranoid???


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thanks everyone,i think i just needed reassurance that its not only me who gets a bit worried now and again,usually if im in bed and have time to think, im thinking "i have to be here for him and hubby" etc,silly i know but it does change you being a parent!!
ive laso been a bit more wary of going on a plane but apparently most people who have kids start thinking like this!ive stopped reading the take a break mags aswell,they make you worse!!haha!
being a worry guts is part of being a Mum (:0 D
Den xx
pink we are what we are pet, and you seem a caring lady
Joy x
Yes we are with BUPA yes its really really worth it. (personal experience)
The big thing about private medical care is time.

My daughter had an itching mole NHS said wait 4 months for an appointment - Private saw her in 5 days nothing wrong but we would have been in bits for 4 months.

My wife had an ingrowing toe nail 6 months on the nhs 2 weeks private done by an nhs doctor.

But as others have said anything serious you are in the same boat and probably end up back at the nhs my, work paid, heath even discounts doing heart/lung transplants.
not so. You do get serious things treated faster (in my experience) privately. Emergency stuff (enter via A and E or blue lighted) doesn't get treated privately but stuff like cancer does. My experience is also that private and NHS will work together over the serious stuff to the definite benefit of the patient.
I fully understand why people would want private health care if they could but just a warning about Bupa - while you're young it seems affordable but the premiums increase dramatically with age. My mother was paying over £300 a month in her 80s but couldn't bear to cancel it, She scrimped on other things but at her age the NHS would probably have looked after her just as well medically.
agree 100% with prudie, I was with BUPA originally as part of a company plan, but I packed it in about 5 years ago - as I got older, the premiums were enormous. OH has surgery in a BMI hospital a few years back, they have their own credit card (good rate) and let us pay the fees back over 4 years, a great deal cheaper than BUPA would have been.
Agree also with woofgang, if your problems are acute and you are blue-llghted, NHS is excellent.

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anyone with bupa?is it worth it?

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