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border control with our forces

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zzxxee | 09:07 Wed 30th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Do you think that its time we pulled our troops out and let them deal with our excess illegal immigration problem, by letting them control our borders alongside with who is running it now
good idea or not


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i think we let out a "we are as soft as sh1te" message in the uk!!!!! do you not think with armed forces on our borders will act as a detterant and make people stop and think before trying to come over in the first place???
Is this because the Army will shoot 'illegals' on sight ?
Otherwise, they'll just be another set of blokes in uniform to avoid..........
As I said zzxxee many just overstay visas or come in on a student visa

All the lorry searching makes good TV but dodgy foreign language schools are where its at
I agree that many countries see us as soft but I see no benefit in wanting the armed forces to check vans coming back from France.

We need stronger deterrants for those that are caught ,not someone who should be defending Queen and country checking vehicles.
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and the alternative solution to this problem would be ??????????????/
Kick out all illegal immigrants. Why detain them?
For those arriving on UK soil, they need turning round and sending back immediately.
The legislation surrounding the Foreign Language Schools, mentioned by jtp, needs really tightening up............and it needs to be pro-actively enforced.
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but we couldnt have enough planes boats on standby to immediatley ferry them back to their own country !!!!!
we need to send out a message that it will not be tolerated under any circumstances
One plane a day, assuming the country of origin wants them back, ought to be sufficient.............
And we have enough armed forces to cover every inlet of the UK??

As has been said, these people are already here. If we find them, deport them. End of story.
Our illegal immigration problem escalated massively when the Channel Tunnel was built, before that it was much more difficult for them to enter the country but since it was built it's the Golden Highway into the UK
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i do whole heartedly agree with immediate deportation when they are found , so our armed forces could be used not only for border control but to track them down as i have said somthing they are highly trained in doing i stand by what i say i think it is a good idea
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thats point is so true joelike !!!!
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sorry joeluke !!
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