I was asked today by an elderly neighbour about the near withdrawal of the £20 with Elgar on reverse, seems she has a fair few (amount not disclosed and I didn`t like to ask) and seems not to want to pay them in the bank, again reasons not disclosed. I could not think of a solution for her. Suppose its a problem we may all like and seems the practice of stashing money at home is still alive. Not sure what I would do., what do you think?
1. Use them before the official withdrawal date, 30th June.
2. Use them for the few months after that date in establishments that will still accept them at their own discretion for transactions (e.g. Building Societies, Post Offices, etc.).
3. Exchange them after withdrawal via the Bank of England.
Only the Bank of England is legally obliged to exchange these banknotes after withdrawal from circulation. Other banks may offer to accept them for transactions at their discretion and some have expressed that they shall do so for several months.