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What is a the difference between muslim and islam ?

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philkool | 23:57 Wed 16th Jun 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
19 Answers
I am english and not religeous at all but i dont understand why an indian, a pakistani, an iraqi, etc are muslim and islam


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To put it simply, Islam is the name of the religion - Muslims are the people of the religion. The people of Islam are all Muslims regardless of their home country.
Christians believe in Christianity, Catholics believe in Catholicism, Jews believe in Judiasm, Buddhists believe in Buddhism and.........muslims believe in Islam; doesn't follow does it - they're confused as well, lol
Er, are you on the fundy fringe of Christianity, Tamborine, because the last time I looked, Catholicism was a Christian demonination.

I realise it gets in the way of a cheap jibe, but you might like to be aware that 'Muslim' is an active participle from the same verb from which 'Islam' is the infinitive, so your point is wrong.
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Are there any muslim Athiests ?
By definition, if you are a muslim you accept the will of god. Therefore you are not an atheist.
I know a Muslim who became a born again Christian....he didn't 'come out' until his parents sad is that?
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Come out of where ?
Come out as being a Christian.
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Why did he fear his parents would cut his head off ?
I don't know....being disowned probably.
How sad they substituted one mind-twisting myth with another.
One, in my opinion, is better than the other.
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Or too scared not to...
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Most Muslims only appreciate their own religion.
If you are Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist or of any other religion you are not normal in their eyes.
Its a terrible religion to be part of IMO.
there is only one god and that god is Allah...

that is - if you choose to believe what the Muslims in a town centre near me where preaching...

how ignorant of Allah to be so unnaccepting of other faiths!
"Are there any muslim Athiests ? "

Best question of the week so far.
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What is a the difference between muslim and islam ?

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