train fares in The AnswerBank: Travel
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train fares

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carmalee | 08:07 Thu 01st Jul 2010 | Travel
11 Answers
Hi abers - does anyone know a really good site for me to get a cheap return train ticket - have a wedding to go to in Devon and want to travel from Kent. What I want is to somehow find the rock bottom price and I don't mind changing and/or buying single tickets. Many thanks
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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All the sites should charge the same price - avoid those that charge a fee on top of the fare.

If you can give some more details - dates, places, I'm sure I or someone else will look something up for you.
I understand Carmalee's confusion.

It not just a case of looking it up I am quite sure that if you go and look at the Train line or Mytrainticket you can get a price but Which magazine says that these fares can be unrepresentative of the fare that you can get.


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thanks for the quick reply guys - am wanting to travel from Appledore in Kent to Honiton in Devon on Wed 4th August retuning Monday 9th August - can be a bit flexible on dates and able to travel at any time of day. really glad others think the sites are a bit confusing!
Single tickets from London Waterloo to Honiton at £12 a trip are readly available on your dates. Advance purchase only - online or at a staffed station

An open return (buy on the day) from Appledore to Waterloo East via Ashford is £29.40. Via Haywards Heath (ie Eastbourne/Lewes) is £28 but takes over an hour longer.

http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/ is as good a place as any to buy them

Megatrain http://www.megabus.com/uk/index.php is slightly cheaper for London Honiton - same trains, less frequent

The advance tickets - both normal and megatrain - will go up in price if you don't book now.
http://www.southernrailway.com/ will offer you a discount fare via Haywards Heath if you book in advance - about £22 total for a single each way but not restricted to the booked train if it's an off peak/superoffpeak fare.
www.nationalrail.co.uk will never charge you a booking fee.

For journeys which require changes it is always worth looking at individual journeys, eg Appledore to London and then London to Honiton. This is because if only one leg will let you buy Advance or Super off peak tickets the computer will then not include those cheapest tickets.

Finally, look at whether a Network Card (or Family or whatever) will help save money. They cost £25 and give you 1/3 off and they cover your whole journey.
PS Network Cards allow you to take 3 adults and 4 children with you and still get discounts so are even better value if there's a group of you going.
<www.nationalrail.co.uk will never charge you a booking fee>

coz they don't sell tickets, just provide information. You click through to the sales outlet of your choice which may or may not charge a fee depending which one you choose.
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have been out most of the day - want to say a huge, huge thank you to everyone who took the trouble to answer and check out things on my behalf. will get onto it now - go well everyone.
Question Author
Am so pleased - got a return for just £27 including insurance. Thanks again everyone.
raileasy.com are usually the cheapest

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