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Your 5 worst habits?

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NoMercy | 10:36 Sat 03rd Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
What are your five worst traits or habits?

Mine are:

1. I always leave the milk out of the fridge.
2. When cooking, I use practically every utensil in the kitchen.
3. I fidget (frequently) and whimper (occastionally) in my sleep.
4. I feel Alfie titbits under the table.
5. I never actually bother to take my shopping list to the supermarket.

Apart from that, I'm practically perfect in every way ;-)


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1) I have no patients.
2) I like to regulary check myself (testicular) no matter where i am or who i'm with!
3) i often never finish things i start
are you a doctor mr I?
and you cant spell? or are you a doctor?
4get has your o-h ever tried to strangle you?
Nope not yet
I whinge/moan a lot
I have a terrible temper
I am a clean freak
I pick the skin around my fingers also (pretty gross)
I have become much grumpier and irritable since I broke my ankle

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