Shabby Leaving in The AnswerBank: Reality TV
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Shabby Leaving

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supersuezy24 | 20:09 Mon 05th Jul 2010 | Reality TV
4 Answers
After how she's behaved I'm glad she left.
Her and Caoimhe were jealous of Iffy and were bitchy to her cause they weren't at the party.. Pathetic, immature little b!tches. I hope Caoimhe gets booted on Friday the biatch!!

What you all think about Shabby leaving? Glad? Wished she'd stayed?
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Why wouldn't they leave her alone. How many times did the poor girl have to tell them she didn't want to talk to them..?
glad she's gone, dll and miserable and nowty mare
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The cheek of Caoimhe saying "Don't raise your voice to me!"
Iffy wasn't even loud and Iffy hit the nail on the head, they are the mean girls at school!! Evil cows..Pure jealousy!
you cant tell if she was loud as tv doesnt get louder when someone shouts. As for shabby id rather she were voted out. She acts all hard like she doesmt give a sh1t, but end of day shes a coward that couldnt face the public hating her.

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