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t mobile being *** !!!

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zzxxee | 18:41 Tue 06th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
my partner is two months behind on his mobile bill of £118 he was told this morning if he payed £54 pound that his services would be kept open and he was told he could pay the rest on 28th of the month
now some jumped up Snag says no he has to pay in full as he is in breach of his agreement !!!!!!
they wont let him have to the 28th to pay but are keeping the services open !!!
non of this makes sense has anyone else delt with the Joy-sticks that work for t mobile ???


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is there any grounds for complaint do you think??
I've never had dealings with T-mobile but it does sound as if he's in breach of the contract so they are probably right - the first person your OH spoke to may have got it wrong (it wouldn't be the first time the left hand and right hand tell different versions of a story with some companies). How can they keep the service open if they are saying the contract is in default?
I don't understand why you're annoyed to be honest- he's 2 months behind isn't he?
the only complaint I can think of is theirs: that he isn't paying his bills. Sounds like they may have a point?
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angry because they have been aware of personal circumstances why he is behind and agreed to an extention previous to him falling behind they knew nothing could be done until the 28th of this month
Did you get it in writing, zzxxee? If you did, then you can hold 'em to it - verbal agreements are often subject to challenge, I'm afraid I always get things in writing even if it's only an email.
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and my point exactly how can they keep services open but saying he has defaulted on payment
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he asked for it and they refused
if the close his account, he would still be liable for full term of his contract. Surely its good that they are keeping it open?
Orange are doing the same to my son. They say they have to keep charging him as he has a contract with them even though he has explained that he was made redundant and can't afford to have a phone!
with all due respect crapmemory, it's not the phone company's fault that your son no longer has a job and can't afford the payment. They're a business and in order to continue being so, they have contracts which you (or in your case, your son) quite happily signed.
I know Boo, but he didn't know he was going to lose his job did he? Why can't the mobile phone companies have a bit of understanding and come to some agreement about lower payments/service etc?
CM has your son tried to lower his tarriff? some allow it after a set period of time
Because they wouldn't stay in business long if they lowered their tarrif for every sob story they recieve crap memory.

I know it's harsh, but like i said, business is business is business.

Hope he gets a job soon :-)

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t mobile being *** !!!

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