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Anyone watching the sex education show?

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benny3008 | 21:35 Tue 06th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
It's like a pornographic documentary!!!


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Got those tissues ready benny?
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Eugh, i think not, not with some of the stuff they are showing!
It's supposed to be for teenagers.... this discussion was on last night too
It is there to educate children/teens. Maybe if parents taught their children more about sex etc... There would be less teen pregnancy, embarrassment, awkwardness.

I was told about the birds and bees very young.
I hope Joeluke is watching then.
Might learn something about relationships.
AlBags, I don't think it's going to perform miracles ;o)
Sorry albags, am not watching........and I know all I need to about relationships thanks
^ lol Sara

PS. You get that TV stuff sorted yet?
Cue influx of relationship 'experts' on this thread
Tell you what, lad ...
I'll ask Sara to answer that one for me .. if she would.
Im temporarily lost for words.
Buck nicely passed there albags
Off topic but good choice of avatar joeluke. Classic album.
yeah i think is gr8 i posted about it last night lol xx
AlBags, no.. the volume is still shooting UP and down all over the place! I will take it back but am trying to find a reasonable replacement first.

and I'll have to pass on your offer. you can't reason with the unreasonable ;o)

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Anyone watching the sex education show?

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