no.20. after a happy event in Kuala Lumpur Edna ran wild. She used to be a good character! (8.6) and 15. Abigail's temper was evident here......(9). am sure that one is to do with a film.
20 word meaning great happiness (gives the 8 letter first word) then abbreviation for Kuala Lumpur + anagram of Edna gives the second word last name of an actress who stared in "the Good Life" the name contains a town in NW England.
15 Abigail is name for a lady's servant (think of a four letter alternative ) + four letter word meaning temper (the word has musical connection) = a place in SE England.
i agree. the clues were brilliant. thanks. one more 95. have snack prior to part of the meal in the partitioned study.(8.6)/. answers will no doubt make things obvious.