We play a game that's very similar, but we call it Switch.
Deal 7 cards to each player.
Turn the next card up in the middle of the table to determine suit to be played.
Everyone must follow suit.
Ace - can be laid on any card to change the suit.
2 - next player picks up 2 unless he has a 2. If he does, he lays it, and the next player picks up 4 .... and that can go on until some poor soul has to pick up 8. If you pick up on the 2s, you miss a go.
7 - the player behind picks one up.
8 - the player in front misses a go unless he lays an 8. If he does, then he lays it and the next player misses a turn unless he lays an 8.... etc.
9 - the player in front picks one up and takes his normal turn.
Jack - reverses the order of play. If there are only two players, the player who laid the jack takes a second go.
Suits can only be changed by laying an Ace or by laying a card of equal value to the last one laid. Eg - if a four of hearts is laid, a four of clubs will change the suit to clubs.