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Christening Presents

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I Love Snow | 14:52 Mon 10th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
My daughter will be 4 months when she is christened and i don't know what to get her as a present. Her grandparents have bought her jewelry and close family have bought her the usual silver things. Any ideas would be great.


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I know it's a boring answer, but money slapped into a high interest account will be far better in the long run rather than some boring silver ornament that's going to gather dust.
A christening gown. Good enough for royalty (they all wore long lace gowns for the ceremony). The gown can become an heirloom. e-christeningbaptism-gown--bonnet-32-p.asp
How about a premium bond!
awww terambulan - that gown is beautiful

Congrats I Love Snow, last I spoke to you you were expecting lol
shes 4 months old so i dont think she will be that bothered a nice outfit will be plenty
I'm going to agree with BOO on this one. Money in an account that can be added to with birthday money etc over the years will become a nice little nest egg for university or first car or house deposit.
It may seem a million years away..... Don't blink.... you'll miss the best years.
Congratulations by the way. x
Question Author
Thanks. I just thought money was boring but it would come in handy in years to come. I've already bought her christening gown.
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