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Who would've thought it?

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Crazylegs | 15:02 Wed 07th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
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My fella was telling me the other day that now some web address' are www2.

Because the internet is so HUGE. Is this true?
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I would've thought the net could grow to infinite, as long as we kept building servers! Good question though!
I googled and there are such things as - how strange!
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They sell electrics greedy, hardly the end of out beloved www.
There are hundreds of them... Who knows? Seemed a little far fetched to me but is a computer whiz and a total geek and is generally right.

Maybe he read it somewhere and misinterpreted.
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You learn something new and all that
Nothing to do with size, more likely load balancing or geo based DNS.

www is only a hostname anyhow, you can make that part whatever you want when setting up DNS, www is only used because it's what people expect.
It would confuse people I suppose seeing as the WWW is worldwide
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Chuckfickens everything you just said went*Whoosh* over my head.

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