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brenda | 00:22 Thu 08th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
a gun man hiding in woodland have access to so much writing paper.? A 49 page letter was said to have been written.He doesn't strike me as a literary type.


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He robbed the local chippy, perhaps he used their chip wrapping paper
Hiding in the woods?? _ you don't believe that do you??

Someone's hiding him, or he's holding up a house somewhere, don't forget he's got a gun.
Jem, they found the letter in the tent he stayed in last night, apparantely he robbed a house today, probably nicked a sleeping bag and some food
The statement about not harming the public but killing policeman has made him an instant hit amongst the UKs underworld. No doubt theres a facebook group set up in his support. He'll receive massive help from these type of people. I should imagine he'll be in Marbella come Friday night.
Brenda is it up beside you?
I love Rothbury, it is a beautiful little village, but is surrounded by woodland and caves, and the Otterburn Range is near by where soldiers from the Nato Alliance practise.
very wild country and he is supposed to be accustomed to camping in those parts
.He doesn't strike me as a literary type. Why is that brenda because he has muscles? He's a former business man!

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