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Radio 2 Breakfast shwo

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ironmonger | 15:59 Wed 07th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
What has happened to Chris Evans


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And who is this DJ with a voice that it pains me to listen to? He isnt funny or clever or entertaining and cannot even speak English clearly.
I think CE is on holiday - finishing the second volume of his autobiography.

His stand-in is Graham Norton. Come on, the BBC paid £4 million so Channel 4 couldn't have him being successful over there - they have to do something with him!
As much as I am no fan of Graham Norton, at least it is better than Chris Evans' screechy voice and constant inane gabble that is unbearable first thing in the morning. All we ever hear about from Chris Evans is Chris Evans, me, me, me. Can't stand the man.
I cant stand Chris Evans, but find the replacement even worse. I was a fan of Terry Wogan, and actually knew him when I worked at the BBC back in the late sixties/early seventies.
Good old Terry. Nice gentle and humorous start to every morning. It's all gone wrong.
Graham Norton's stupid laugh is enough to put anyone off. He has had his day. I used to find him amusing many years ago!!
TW was well past his sell-by date. Chris Evans isn't ideal but a vast improvement.
Its been hard to wean ourselves of the delights and banter from our terry,when chris took over the drivetime slot their was a outcry,but he did really well,i wish him all the best on the morning show,its different i agree,but can you suggest any others that would be worthy of TW?
No, not really Poodi. I just think Chris Evans is totally overrated as is Graham Norton - I am tired of them both. I would like someone more laid back in the mornings, someone with a gentler voice. Evans just grates!!
anything is better than that Snag Aled Jones who used to fill in for Wogan ...
I like Aled Jones on A Place in the Country........better than the usual snobby git with the grating laugh.....haw haw haw.
I'd like Aled Jones in a place in the country ... preferably Rothbury in Northumberland at the moment ...
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I still have no idea what has happened to Chris Evans
Someone said he is on holiday
Question Author
Hi Greedyfly.
They only thought he was on holiday
Maybe he has left the station for good? We can hope =)

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