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well it's lively in here tonight..ha-ha

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Bobbisox | 20:42 Sat 10th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
The Geordie and Raoul jokes have been exhausted?
anything else you would care to talk
feel free...:-0p


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hya paddy, it's really nice down there now, loads of B&Bs all priced per room and not pp, stacks of bars and restaurants too
Question Author
I like it also, it was a bloody long winter x
Exactly Bobbi - the winter was foul - let's enjoy this weather - I thinks it's fab.
Thanks Bobbi, if I can pursuade one of my nephews to have Max for a week-end and have a look at some of the sights around Newcastle, Beamish etc
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Beamish is fab paddy - we were there a few weeks ago
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shut up

Beamish is about 3 mile from me x
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Wish I'd have known Bobbi - we'd have popped in for a coffee!
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and you would have been very welcome too lardy.x
Stir fry ready and bottle of FirstCape Rose opened -too late cos its almost beddy bye time.
Salut !! x
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already, but we have only just met Dris...ha-ha <well tonight>
take care, chat soon Haggis x
Over the years we've spent quite a bit of time up arround Berwick and despite passing through many times I've only been to Newcastle once and that was years ago with a couple of lads from work and I must be honest about the only thing I can remember the week end was a seemingly endless supply of Newkie Brown
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things change paddy, it's no longer brewed here, not many drink it I don't think, real ale is what they go for
I don't think I've drunk the stuff since that week end even then I prefered Cider, still it would be a shame if it disappeared, it's a classic beer, Ive seen it sold in bars as far a field as Sri Lanka
Bobbi, did you see my post on the Happy Birthday thread, gave you a website for the translation?

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well it's lively in here tonight..ha-ha

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