Kjc is Korean and is learning English unaided (apart from AB!) from books. Type kjc into the category search and you�ll get a thanks in response to a previous Q similar to yours.
Really sorry, I maybe should have taken the time to look around before I jumped in, my apologies, I'm a bit grumpy this morning. Thanks Glossopswift for puting me straight.
kjc's English is a lot better than my Korean. In fact it's better than my English. I'm happy to help out whenever I can, that's what AnswerBank is for.
OK since I went and looked at the post you suggested Glossopswift, I feel like a bit of a worm. kjc0123 I am very sorry for being rude, you're doing really well, better than I would.
The last time someone did this to kjc, the poor thing went away for a few months.
Honestly, Mycatis, references to Korea are all over the answers....kjc is always polite - reads some interesting books, others I agree not so interesting and doesnt deserve this treatment.
Fair enough. But if he/she is trying to learn english why choose books packed with american colloquialisms? There are better things to pick than 70's gangster novels or whatever the hell they are. If you need help on every single sentence you're not going about it the right way kjc.
It really, really pains me to say this, but globally there are probably a lot more people speaking American(ised) English rather than that of the Queen. I imagine kjc's getting hold of whatever English publications are available locally, so there will be variation.
kjc can read what she chooses - Dan Brown, I think, same as millions of English speakers - and ask what she likes. That's what this site is for. Anyone who doesn't want to answer doesn't have to.