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Seventh Heaven

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Dris | 18:49 Sat 10th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
Im at TITP listening to Paolo Nutino via my daughter and her phone and i'm so Fluffing there !!!!!!

He is rocking man - yee haah !!!!


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Thanks Dris.
I personally always thought he sounded a bit like a drunk Grandad - his crazy stumbling and mumbling. Catchy but not my thing. Glad you are having fun though =)
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He does have that style Greedy -ive noticed myself but to me it just adds to his uniqueness -looooove him :)

TY atg x
Hiya dris.....haven't seen ya in a while hun............. ;-0
I watched a bit of TITP on tv and it was absolutely packed, silly busy. Weather looked a bit drizzly which is a shame. Waiting to see who comes on next! =)
I adore Paolo Nuttinis music
My son is there with the ticket i won,sold the other for 300 squid...
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Hay Pasta hun -toot toot vuv vuv lol!!!! xxxx
Greedy -its a mud bath (news) and guess what -she didnt even say lol-She was at Rockness just a few weeks back and she never mentioned the weather then either -o to be 21 and carefree again and just having the craic with all your mates :)
Joy -he is just such a nice boy (I cant say anything else cos he's J's age arrrghhhh))) big mwah to ma Geordie mucker x
Nice work if you can get it poodi -lucky she got hers a wee bit cheaper.No a lot of people tat'll rip of young kids rounnd our way even on EBay.
I wasnt ripping off anyone,my son sold it on
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You won it and crowed on here how much you'd get on EBay.Why enter?
I have seen my girl Q overnight for tickets and me phoning from the very minute and yet still she has to buy off rip off merchants who never ever had any intentions of going but hey the extra 100 quid is only a weeks work to her eh? Enjoy your ill gotten gains.How could you not have let a youing ome get the band eh?. Yopu got it for nothing-thank gawd I would have ben delighted to hand the band on to one of my daughters pals who was sruck for money.
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Hi Vibes :)
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Saw the Stereophonics earlier..fooking awesome
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Never been -daughter has been last 4yrs-its mental-I dont want tlo know lol !
Im gonna go before i die tho-prob next year its totally brill have you seen the line up?
its immense-you'd love heading night night vibes x
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Don't see the problem with someone winning a ticket, not wanting to use it, then selling it
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I do Joeluke as she and many many others have had to buy it off extornionists every year -the touts who buy up the tickets to rip people off by flogging them on EBay.
Its young kids who can barely afford a night out let alone upwards of £300 for a TITP ticket.
Just p!sses me off but then i have never been greedy.I would rather give the ticket away or just sell at the face value.
Thats why I dont understand poodi not just selling it even at face value -that would have been fair -bet her son would have struggled to get one.Then to come on boasting -naw not my style thankfully!
It's called enterprise, no one forced your daughter to pay tout's prices.......if she wants to pay face value she should buy her ticket the day they are first issued, I'm sure not EVERY ticket is sold by the touts

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