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im thinking on a career change

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zzxxee | 15:30 Mon 12th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
but what do you think about retraing in your late 30s is it to late???
if i did i would still need to earn a wage
has anyone else done this and did it work for you?


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It's not too late in your late 30's - I don't think so.

About 7 years ago I wanted to retrain as a Paramedic. The only thing that ultimately stopped me was finances, nothing to do with age.
30's is young!
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thats the only drawback salla there are not many earn as you learn positions for people of 38 lol
zzxxee go for it! I didn't start my degree until I was 25. It took me 7 years to qualify and I have never looked back. OK, so I was 10 years younger, but I've seen a lot of people come through who have changed their career completely in their 30s or 40s. Late 30s is most definitely not too late.

Could you go to college in the evenings and still work during the day? I found the hardest thing was earning a wage AND retraining. It meant some incredibly long hours. But I'd say go for it, lady!!

What do you fancy retraining to do?
There's always nursing where you earn whilst you learn. But the 'grant' or whatever they call it these days is not all that generous. My friend Tara-ra-bum-ti-eh is 42 and longs to retrain as a midwife. Unfortunately, like me, she is unable to do this not because of her age, but because the money she would bring in is simply not enough...
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its not going to be everyones cup of tea but i quite fancy working in an undertakers !!!!
Not something that I would want to do myself, but thankfully the world is made up of different people who want to do different things. I still say go for it!

There is a link here which details what courses are out there!
I'd be bored stiff.
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Bit of a dead end job isn't it ?
Quick before all the puns run out !
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thanks guys x it doesnt have to be this though i am open to suggestions !!
I suppose the best answer I can think of is to do it if you wish to. We only know of the one life so don't have regrets about what you might have done if only. You may want to think how long the new career training takes too and whether there is a guarantied job at the end of it.

Not quite done the same thing myself, but I did opt out of work to take a degree during my late twenties, and on into my early thirties; proved the right thing to do especially now a degree seems de rigueur when at the time I thought I was giving myself and my career a boost.
There are such things as adult apprenticeships now. Some you get paid an apprentice wage (pittance) but some you get paid a full salary whilst you learn. I have been looking into these myself. I guess it depends on the field you want to go into.
I looked into a mortuary technician apprenticeship - I applied, but apparently there was a lot of interest and I didn't get due to lack of experience lol

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