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FAO NoMercy

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bobjugs12 | 22:25 Tue 13th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Here was that thread I was talking about babe:

Have fun gorgeous xxx


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You're such a big fibber !!!
Question Author
I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

You knob. lol x x
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Knob?????? How harsh :(
Question Author
Knob???? How harsh :( My world has just collapsed around my ears............
I was pulling my hair out trying to re-establish my internet connection when you sent me that text. lol

I'm just sat here committing carbicide. I'm on my fifth tangerine.
Question Author
Five tangerines? My god woman, are you crazy??? People like you are not only a danger to yourself, but also to those around you. Nutter!!!
How am I a danger to others?
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Course you can, Doc. x
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Question Author
Hey doc, how's tricks mate?
I lost internet connection for a while, Doc, and the naughty Bobjugs texted me to tell me that I was missing all the fun and that 2 Cbers, who shall remain nameless, were ripping the sh!t out of each other. Naughty or what?
I would suggest you get a room, but I suspect that I am being tardy in my advice!!!!!!!!
I'm blushing now...
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FAO NoMercy

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