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Lady in the Bible

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Handbaglady | 12:28 Tue 06th Jul 2010 | Religion & Spirituality
8 Answers
I have been told that the word lady only appears in the bible six times. The only one I've been able to find is in 2nd letter of John Ch1 v1. can anyone tell me where the others are please. Thank you.


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There are many different translations of the Bible and a word like 'lady' is definately one that is likely to be swapped about a bit.
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Thank you wyzard66 and ll_billym. I was thinking of the King James version. I'll try both links you have given.
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Been on both and they come up with four. So my info about six is wrong. Thank you very much.
the word maiden is mentioned 8 times n the kjv, in other bible versions maiden sometimes becomes lady.
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Apart from its intrinsic message, whether you believe it or not, The Bible has long been a source of interest to cryptographers who seek in the texts for hidden predictions of the future. My favourite one is: Psalm 46 (King James version). Take the 46th word from the beginning with the 46th word from the end to find a figure in English literature. Don't know who discovered this, although he obviously had time on his hands. Interesting though, the coincidence of numbers.
the word 'lady' isn't used that much these days either. The Bible more commonly uses 'woman'.

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