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Greedyfly | 11:16 Wed 14th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I would be very grateful if everyone kept their fingers and toes crossed for me to get the job I interviewed for this morning....

It went well, but you never know....

Thanks guys

GF x


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good luck GF
very best of luck
did you remember everything in the end? good luck x
Question Author
Lol kinda. As always you get out and think 'I should have asked that' but I made a list of questions to ask which they seemed rather happy about so we will see. Although the person who went in before me knew everyone. I hope I get it!
Good Luck, Greedyfly.....knock 'em bandy :0) x
Hope it goes well greedy :c)
Haddock please, cod has worms.
No Mushy peas, too windy...............
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lol wrong thread?
Good Luck xxx
LOL........Wrong thread TheOtherHalf.........but good advice for Greedy maybe if a bit peckish afterwards, eh? :0)
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Maybe this is my career calling? Fish shop owner? Maybe this is a sign =)
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Thanks guys.
Question Author
I did however forget to ask when they would be contacting me!
Hope all goes well for you Greedy and that you get the job..... Let us know x

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