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Saint Swithin's Day the Morrow

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Bobbisox | 20:18 Wed 14th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
does this mean?
if this rain doesn't stop, we have 40 days and nights of the bugger?


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We have just had to most amazing storm!

errm Yes, I think so Bobbi
Question Author
I wanna storm here maizie,,,bring it on!
-- answer removed --
It's heading North Bobbi, unless, it plays out before it reaches you!

Where are you based Steve? What sort of players?
Tomorrow would be my mom's birthday. She always said she was born on St. Swithin's Day! Haven't thought about that in a few years. Thanks for the laugh and memory!
We are still hoping for rain. None in the last couple of days, although it was expected. All weve got at the moment is high winds.
It's persisting down here. Not another 40 days? I think I'll trade the car in for a boat.

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Saint Swithin's Day the Morrow

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