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Not another ex MP

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carlton23 | 22:07 Wed 14th Jul 2010 | TV
4 Answers
Just heard that Ann Widdecombe is to enter Strictly Come Dancing. Well, they`ve got to have a first to fail.


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How very unkind! I shall back her to win (having consulted with my octopus, of course)
I shall certainly be backing her to win. Good old gel. I like Ann. Although I can't imagine she will be the most elegant, or the most slick....
that's the thing about Strictly, you don't have to look like Kate Moss, or have her intellect either. You just need to be able to move. If she can, she'll be in with a chance.
We watched the first few series, but didn't bother with most of the last series just gone. Just getting too tired a format now. Well done Ann, but I'd like to bet there are a few "celebs" who a lot of people have never even heard of before, trying to re-invent their fame. Won't be bothering with this one, either.

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