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Childhood pastimes, where have they all gone?

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Bobbisox | 11:24 Sat 17th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
We used to play skips, hide and seek, kick the can, has the computer and the Wi demonised childhood?


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Who played splits with a pen knife? cant play that anymore, kids would be arrested these days, I cant believe that we even took pen knives to school, they were just little more than toys to us, never any problem with them.
It's just that things change with each generation. I didn't play the same things my mum did - like hopscotch, whip and peerie, kick the can etc. I played with dolls and bikes and games that came in a box. My mum bemoaned that then, childhood wasn't the same anymore etc, and tried to teach me the games from her day but I wasn't interested. My daughter never really played the same sort of things I did, and for the most part when she did go out to play, she had no one to play with cos all the parents kept their kids in for fear of something happening to them. It's not so much that kids don't go out cos they're on computers, it's that parents don't let kids out and give them computers to play on while they're cooped up indoors. There's a thread on family just now about letting a 6 year old out to play and you'd think it had just been suggested she be sent to France alone or something, the sheer irresponsibility of letting a child outside the house!!!! Nonsense!
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very good point there karen :-o)
I seem to recall the street games went in "seasons", by no organised timetable, everyone played eg rounders then it moved on the hopsctotch and so on.
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thats true also cc1,
i had 'bunty' delivered and my big sister had 'school friend'.
me and my friends in the road played a made-up game called 'red claw', invented one evening when the sky went red and we imagined it was a big red claw trying to grab us and take us off somewhere.....frightened the younger kids to death. had a very irate mother knock on our door to tell us to stop playing it because her son refused to go to bed in case the red claw got him. we played it for hours on end, up and down the pavement until it got dark, couldn't imagine any kids playing it these days as they wouldn't be allowed out that late.
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wow thats what kids are still great at eth, imagination
Eenie meanie minie mo, catch a (person of a certain coloured persuasion) by the toe, if he squealed let him go, Eenie meanie minie mo.

Doesnt sound the same somehow does it? :-)

All so innocent!
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too right RATTER, you would be hauled over for that now, but kids aren't racist anyway, lol
(Mother) May I?
Queenie Queenie
What time is it Mr Wolf?
Farmer Farmer

Tes, those were the days.
Yes not Tes, sorry.
One for the girls.
Skipping song
An old game still being played, looks like when the lads got involved the game took a turn for the worse, or was it the school bell?
The farmer's in his den

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