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How many of you get morning stiffness?

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Bbbananas | 11:09 Tue 20th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
I get it in my back, especially when I've spent the night with Plaid Crymru.


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most days, i;ve got a really bad back today, i think i'm goign to have to take the super strong painkillers which send me slightly insane!
Nope...but we spent a few days having lot's of sexy cuddles because he was off work. God did we ache all over....then we decided to go to Blackpool. The walking wasn't fun..!
er, are you talking to males or females?
I gather from an earlier posts Redman does and most of the other chaps in fact all of them probably

seriously sometimes I have to half drag myself to a hot shower to unjam it...need a new bed
My back is OK (touch wood)'s the knees that are noisy...ouch!
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I could do with a decent massage. None of that namby pamby business - a full-on dig-right-in jobby.
Like a Thai one where they make all your bones crack.

It's a mixture of pain and pleasure...
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Ooh no, not quite as hard as that. My bones crack easily. I just want relief, not more pain.
Prefer mine a little gentler with black pepper, orange and rosemary in the massage oil
They're really good. I felt great after mine.
I often suffer from morning wood
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I had a massage at a Health Farm - thought I was going to get this really fit, changed my Bridget Jones knickers for sexy ones - but when I turned up he was on his lunch break (:0 (
Nah vibra, more of an oak
^^ guy ^^ - missed word out
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From little acorns do mighty oaks grow.....
Oh, I'm getting a little excited now. Excuse me whilst I nip to the barthroom....
Plaid Cymru? - Wot, ALL of them?

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How many of you get morning stiffness?

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