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How Much Exercise Have You Done Today?

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poodicat | 17:58 Tue 20th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
I am knackered i have done 22,350 steps


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Nope get off you fat bum molly lol!
Molly exercised her arms....that's more than some...;-))
6 miles real walking - much easier to estimate the distance than count footsteps
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All i know is that i feel high and knackered
walked up to town and back, Cleaned the house and going on the wii for an hour later
I walked into town from the car park, then drove to work and walked from the car park to the office and back. I was up and down all day rather than sitting solidly at my desk, but it's not what you could call cardiovascular stuff.
I dont trust pedometers, I found that some movements other than walking were also treated as a step, I generally do 21 miles a week, not including chores or shopping/errands
I walked to town,which takes 30minutes,was walking in total for about 3 & half hours,i wonder how many steps that was?!
I walk to town-takes me about 25-30 minutes. I know the distance is about 1 1/4 miles,and 2500+ steps. I'm a fairly fast walker with a long stride.
I missed my walk today, the OH took me in the car, it is really muggy warm here.
I've probably walked about 10 miles. Since much of that was on soft sand, it seems a reasonable amount of exercise to me
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