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Francis Asis | 20:07 Fri 30th Jan 2009 | Adverts
8 Answers
Is this advert genius or what? I just love that Meerkat. "I cannot help you find cheaper car insurance".


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Hmm...shouldn't he have an African accent, rather than a Russian one??
check out the website, its funny :D
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I dont know Delboy. Maybe Meerkats are well travelled these days. Aleksander certainly seems a properous fellow. check out that dressing gown (or is it a smoking jacket?)
check out the website it's simples!
he is on facebook too!
I think he needs to be Russian for the similarity in pronouncing Meerkat and Market gag to work... e=p2
Quote "Hmm...shouldn't he have an African accent, rather than a Russian one??"
African---Russian, who cares, this is one classic advert that is gonna take some beating. That my friends is Simples!
The best Advert ever made i think Aleksander. I just got myself a Rare & Limited Edition, Talking Aleksandr Orlov Soft Toy. Of ebay had to pay way over the odds but well worth ever penny I can see these going up in price as the years go on. So what seems like alot of money wont be in years to come. I belive these will come collectable only 5000 ever made but as the years go on i belive there wont be as many around..
The best Advert ever made i think Aleksander. I just got myself a Rare & Limited Edition, Talking Aleksandr Orlov Soft Toy. Of ebay had to pay way over the odds but well worth ever penny I can see these going up in price as the years go on. So what seems like alot of money wont be in years to come. I belive these will come collectable only 5000 ever made but as the years go on i belive there wont be as many around..

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