kat, many more girls have been vaccinated than not, and thankfully very few have had adverse reactions. the data on the 2008-9 roll-out is here if it interests you.
http://www.dh.gov.uk/...lasset/dh_111676.pdf, and of course is still going on.
I understand your concerns, but hopefully the numbers affected will remain very low and the ultimate benefits will far outweigh those risks.
On a related subject, the cervical screening programme is to be extended very shortly to women of 25 years and over, in an attempt to catch early cervical cancers and pre-warning signals in the younger women - I understand that the uptake in tests following Jade Goody's death from cervical cancer has now dropped back again. It has never bothered me to attend, but I know some women feel very embarrassed about going for the cervical screening procedure - I wish they wouldn't, the screen only takes a few minutes and it could save your life.