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RESULTS!!! Smell up nose

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tamirra | 17:13 Wed 21st Jul 2010 | Health & Fitness
6 Answers
Hi, just got a call from my G.P with sinus results, and it shows that one side of my sinus is completly blocked, i still have no pain but i do still have the smell and i can also taste the awful smell too, any ideas what it may be, as ive got appointment tomorrow morn? Thanks


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So glad you have a diagnosis. My OH had a completely obstructed sinus, he had surgery to clear the tiny tube which usually drains it - but that was the ultimate treatment, he had steroid sprays first and an antibiotic in case there was any infection there. However his blockage was bony not goopy so there was a small op necessary.
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Ive been on antibiotics and steroid nasal drops too, but neither have helped, do you think it could be a polyp boxtops? x
Good luck. At least you know the problem. Lets hope the solution is quite simple. Thanks for letting us know.
I don't know, tamirra - OH was sent for a scan which showed very clearly what and where his blockage was. Could be though - he has the steroid spray still in an attempt to avoid polyps growing (as he had some removed at the same time).
Thank goodness they have found the cause, you will be guided tomorrow in what treatment they plan.
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Thank you everyone, im quite worried, but i shall be fine, just be glad to get rid of the smell. xx

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RESULTS!!! Smell up nose

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