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Behaviour before parents?

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NoMercy | 22:10 Wed 21st Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
Are you extra well-behaved in front of your parents?

Do you swear, smoke, drink, flatulate in front of them?

Or do you watch how you behave?


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arhhh greetings chrissa...mwah ♥
Same to you Bobbi <3
I behave as normal.

Swear - the softer swears (I did use the F word in front of my mother once, by accident).

Smoke - no. I never smoked in the house. Mum didn't have any so she went in my coat once and nicked one of mine. I didn't know she knew.

Drink - never in the house.

A trip to Trump-ton - the occasional squeaker, now and then.
we must be very polite up here Judge..ha-ha
I've always been my normal self. Dad use to tell me off for swearing though.
I swear like mad at Bill when I'm off on one, he hates it
I posted this in mightyWBA's thread about swearing, the other day...

"I usually take a sabbatical to my Sisters to get it out of my system - only the c word is banned. My eldest Nephew and me feed off each other and it's my Sister in the middle. I feel sorry for her but it's hilarious at the same time."
My mother is used to me now...I am the black sheep I need to keep my standards up... It is safe to mention sheep on this thread isn't it... My friend from Wales isn't up yet....

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