Have you thought about getting a little feature to go with his barrel? You can get all sorts with a little pump to keep the water moving and they look much better the letting the hose trickle on it. There are quite a few different types of goldies, if you have a walk into a decent pet shop/aquarium centre they usually have decent selection and you'll soon see some you like, as for sexing them I'm afraid I can't help you I just put them in the pond and let them get on with it. As I said in my first post feeding fish is something you learn by experiance especially with outdoor fish as on hot sunny days like we've been having fish are more active but what ever you do you should try not to have any food left floating after about 5 minutes, in fact once your barrel has become established with a few plants etc your fish will find enough natural, the food we give them generally only helps maintain the fishes colour and encourages growth. Any way got to go all this talk about fish has reminded me it's time to clean my pond filter