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saying the year right

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wjj | 15:51 Sun 25th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
does anyone else out there get absolutely furious when people say two thousand and ten instead of twenty 10 it drives me up the wall the battle of hastings was in TEN 66 this year is TWENTY 10 hope you all agree with me i just have to keep correcting people every time i hear it, perhaps we could start a petition.xx


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Two thousand and ten. The Americanisms creep in everywhere they would most likely say twenty ten, the same as they refer to the twin towers disaster as nine eleven.
It looks like there are no other furious people
Two thousand and ten seems to roll off the tongue a bit easier......and makes more sense.
Americans might also say two thousand ten, missing out the 'and' which I find odd.
WJJ..........Epic fail I'd say lol
..and there should be a question mark after the first Twenty 10, since "does" at the beginning indicates that it's a question. The full-stop is missing after "wall". Goodness me, how these minor details get me going ;-)
has anyone seen the film

twenty zero, one: A Space Odyssey ?
If you feel you have to keep correcting people then you seriously need to learn to control your tongue wjj. There is no right or wrong way to say it.
I say two thousand and ten and if someone dared to tell me I was wrong I may just have something to say back to them on the matter, it begins with 'f' and ends with off!
Do you say "Go Forth and Multiply", daffy?
Hi wjj- what year was it last year?
Two thousand and nine or twenty o nine?
Boxtops, no I don't say that :) I rarely swear , but when I do it tends to be quite crude. there are certain words that are taboo though, especially one four letter one beginning with 'c'.
I say two thousand and ten and never give it a second thought. Twenty ten just doesn't sound right to me.
I notice wjj is not responding, funny that!
wjj has a point though -

When did the Second World War start?

One thousand nine hundred and thirty nine?

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saying the year right

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