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Sunday evening speculation-------

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brenda | 19:04 Sun 25th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Have just read an article about Boris Johnson, in which he outlines" what unleashes the beast in him".
It happens to be the Stones' --Start me up.

Set me wondering what unleashes the beast in you Abers, in my case nothing, am I dead? Unless it is anything by Status Quo.


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Incredible Hulk wise? cruelty to animals and people. No other beast in me to unleash.
You a pacifist then ttfn?

I thrash around to trance dance anthems when no one is watchingLOL
Never been on the high waves in my life mamya (;-))
Meat Loaf - the man, not the frikadellen.
-- answer removed --
Language Boxy!
For Boxy
Haven't had a Frika wotsname fer years,can't have everything tho♥
A bit of Quo does it for me too. Especially Mystery song.
For the Count enjoy.
Thanks mamy. :-)

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Sunday evening speculation-------

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