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fao eddie and onetoomany

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mollykins | 21:59 Sun 25th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Eddie, who was it before that said your avatar is insulting to muslims?

Onetoomany do you find it raccist/insulting etc in any way?


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er hangon ll try and find a thead he's done, when you search for a abers username posts only come up where people say their username
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I don't think Eddie51's avatar is insulting to Muslims, McMouse is wearing niqab, did you mean him?
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Sorry Eddie, I looked for you, didn't mean to post your questions as a link, I do apologise. I was looking for the McMouse airline thread, I knew you were on that.
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Eddie it's not, I am wondering if molly is confusing you with someone else, there is nothing insulting on your avatar. Unless a brain surgeon might find the instructions demeaning...
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OOPPPs sorry eddie, I meant mcmouse.

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