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berniecuddles | 10:35 Mon 26th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
If the answer bank closed down??


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McM - how about lots of the jelly people in their usual colours? Might confuse the bird population
Now there's a thought ttfn. Our local pigeon population is so thick they probably wouldn't notice.
With said bad ankle I don't do much leaving the house unfortunately. I just rest until I have an interview to go for then do that and rest again. It will all be over soon I am sure. But thanks for your suggestions.

I kitten sat for a bit yesterday which was great fun!
I would probably get the jobs done that have been put off for ages.
greedyfly why dont you get a dog - I have one and he really gets me up and going. If you kitten sat then you would be good with a dog
That would do greedy's ankle a lot of good Connemmara! Dogs do tend to need quite a long of walks!!
I have a cat. Not really a dog person. I am making a point of going out for a walk every other day at the moment for some exercise. It is getting stronger, I can feel it. Can't wait to get a job then I will have to use it even more and it will have to get better!

Thanks guys
GF, how did you manage to break your ankle? (I am a nosey bu88er). [:o)
lofty lottie - you need to walk on your ankle to strengthen it - any enough said GF does not like dogs so that is the end of that romance
Lol Mrs C

I slipped on some black ice on my way home one late night alone (sober) I tried to right myself and heard it snap. Broke it in four places and since been having surgeries to fix it =(
I think you both agree conn and lottie - i also concur a dog would be good for exercise. I will keep going out for my walks and I also go to physio too. Soo all the exercise is dong me good.
Ouch! That sounds horrible, GF. Extremely painful. [:o(
It most certainly was. I am glad it seems to be all over now though and it appears to be getting better finally - has taken it's time.
Glad to hear it, lass. x
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