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do not diss a dude's dooda ...

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Captin Kirk | 20:05 Mon 26th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Eastenders tonight ... best line in a soap for a while ...


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I just put that as my FB status
Whooosh !!

No idea what you're talking about, but ...

... such alliterative scriptwriting for a soap ... things are looking up !
I'm now watching the extra bits
Les Battersby (talking about Leanne):

"What does she want to go to Walsall for?"

Janice Battersby:

"Not Walsall... Warsaw. In 'ungary."

I wet myself!!
4get >>>
I watched the extra bits in EE with Denise and Lucas, answered a few questions.
Is that the first time they've done that? (the extra bits I mean)

What are the extra bits?
With Denise and Lucas in the cellar, There were 3 scenes leading up to the actual episode we all saw. If one wanted to see the scenes (extra bits) then after the prog you had to press the red button,In one bit saw Denise trying to escape, by throwing a pan of hot water at Lucas,

Thanks jem.
I think the best lines were a few years ago when (In Corrie) Stan & Hilda went away for the w/end on getting ready for dinner Hilda put her lippy on then gave Stan a big splonker on the lips, You saw Stan lick his lips and say to Hilda "Phew! what is that taste? and Hilda pipes up "WOMAN, STANLEY, PURE - WOMAN" very seductively.
Brilliant. - I Have never forgotten it.


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do not diss a dude's dooda ...

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