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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:38 Wed 28th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Middle of the week. Where does the time go to!

the sun is about to rise over the hilltop and it's going to be a lovely day.

Have a happy day everyone.


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Morning gang :-) Beautiful here in the Black Country,those Brummies are sharing the blue sky with the righteous!
Have a good day,off to work once I've dumped the nipper round her friends house...School holidays,such a juggling act!
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Morning ummmm and mwba. It's going to be a scorcher!
It's very sunny here already....I might sit out in the garden later...
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A good way to spend a sunny day ummmm.
Sunny here too - but that's no good when I'm stuck in the office.
Morning all x
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Morning Tilly. xx Never mind, the sun will still be shining when you finish.

I've got to go and get some work done :-(

Have a happy day everyone. xxxxx
Morning WBM and everyone

Had trouble getting on here this morning. I think my comps feeling tired like me. Cloudy and a bit drizzly this morning but nice and cool for a change
Morning all - sunny so far - dodgy forecast but I'm going to risk it, out and about on foot and trains all day today.
not the milk train though?
Not this time ttfn, that's for next week. Today and tomorrow is more civilised. Good film thread last night btw, you were still at it when I went to bed!
morning all what a belter of a morning here in bean, lets hope it stays like this we are off to herne bay for the day!! xxx
You've been to bed? Lucky girl! Have a good day - as wbm says, ½ way there ☺
I might see you bernie, I will be on the train from Faversham to Chestfield at about 10.45!
Nice morning here in Notts, a bit of cloud about but still sunny. When I was working at the Pit one of my duties was examining a pump house sited near the river Maun and I would often see kingfishers It always surprised me how fast they were, one minute the bird would be empty mouthed sitting on a twig next minute it would be there with a minnow in its' mouth
I'm off, duty calls, have good days everyone!
Morning All

Spare Ed
Good Morning AB, it is very dull here this morning but i am hoping it will burn through =)
Morning folks. x

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Good morning early birds!

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