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Why do ....

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Jemisa | 00:03 Wed 28th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Why do people (women mainly) when they laugh put their hand in front of their mouth/face?
They do it all the time, watching tv even so many people do it.
Its not because they have bad teeth or an ugly smile.
I've even seen my 6 year old G/daughter do it, why? I asked her & she said its because her friends do it.
I can perhaps understand it with kids but adults ??? Beats me.



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I think we do it at one point where we are laughing at something and we don't want others to see us sniggering, but it shouldn't be for every laugh. I can't say I've noticed it - I probably will now!
do they?
stop the dentures falling out
Strange actually i sometimee cup my mouth and nose!!! Hahah
why do we have 2 Why do's really confusing :(
? halitosis - who wants to be knocked back in the name of humour
Maybe they don't want you to see the food stuck in between their teeth.
spinach - the original evergreen
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tamborine - I suppose its a blast from the past really. I worked in sales for a while and was told "First of all you have to attract 'em, when thats done 'reel 'em in'
It seems to have worked.
Its the same as mis-spelling something, you're attracted to it where-as you may never have noticed it.normally. (called tricks of the trade)

jem ☺
bad breath?
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Ther can't be that amount of people out there with bad breath surely.
Have they never heard of Listerine.


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