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If it's not broken don't fix it.

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sandyRoe | 18:24 Wed 28th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Why the changes?


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I'd take a guess because a lot of items on the last layout didn't work properly on some browsers (especially at anything but 100% view)
My cat doesn't like things changing either.

It's called improvement.
Yep sandy lets embrace change...
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Embrace change? No thanks. I haven't embraced anything, or anybody, since the turn of the millennium.
If its for the positive,grumpy old man lol...
do you remember when AB changed to the new format from the older one that they have in sports answerbank? we all adapted and we will again.

a change is as good as a rest.

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If it's not broken don't fix it.

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