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Mick-Talbot | 19:41 Wed 28th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers


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Hell no
Useless fact: my Dad played tennis for years with Rudy Walker...
One side i like,the other is a grass cutting fanny...
I don't dislike them, that's got to be a good start.
no, we both acknowledged that we were "noisy" families and have been respectful and not reported each other for anything.

occasionally helped them out with their car problems (the bloke is a total girl)
No. My neighbour won't talk to me since I had an extension built on my house. She didn't approve.
One one side they're fine.

On our other side we have slack jawed yokels who seem to think every conversation must be yelled at full volume and contain ' f***' or one of it's variants as every second word. They only have one cd too - James' Greatest Hits.
No, I like one side but the people in the other semi are not very nice.
On one side, yes. On the other, no.
don;t have a problem with mine, one of them puts my bins out for me, got to love that, mind you she has the most annoying kid ever
I'm lucky I guess, both sides are really lovely!
lol did james have enough hit songs for a greatest hits?
Not really, it's a short CD which they just play over and over. I managed to send out enough bad vibes yesterday to break the CD player. Him and his gorilla mates crouched over it for ages making confused grunting noises.

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