I have just paid for and downloaded a movie, as I paid for it I decided to burn it to a DVD
which I have now done, the problem is that when I play it on my DVD player the picture on the TV is not full screen it is more like an oblong with the top, bottom & sides missing
which I presume is the aspect ratio, when I downloaded it and burnt it to DVD there was nothing to choose the aspect ratio, so my question is would it be possible to burn it again so it plays full screen (the program I used to burn it was ''Convertx to dvd 4) and I am running win.XP.
I have version 3 but this might apply. Drop down "Title Set" and then "Video". Look for "Tv Screen". Double click on it to view options There are two options in another drop down 16:9 widescreen or 4:3 full screen. Select Full screen. Then click on the tv screen icon to the right just to make sure it looks ok. You can now adjust the picture or if 4:3 is fine for you, click on OK.
In CXDVD if you select Letterbox, you will see the whole picture. This will add bars top and bottom when viewing on a widescreen display.
If use use 4:3 with 4:3 source, you will see whole picture.
If you select 16:9 you will crop the image, unless it is sized as 16:9 to start with.