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hope you all had my tip of the day...

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stokemaveric | 23:37 Mon 02nd Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
you will be quids in if you did....


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Damn, missed it, what was it?
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stoke - my Mum has the knack of looking at the newspaper and picking a horse out that`s a winner. She is right about 80% of the time. She doesn`t know anything about horse racing at all. Maybe I should give her your phone number and the two of you could have a field day!
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call of duty 9/2 winner...never mind mcgarnicle put your winnings towards a deposit on another house lol...
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lol 237sj tell her to get down to corals
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whats up jj??
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Question Author
lol mcgarnicle thats a good idea....
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ok stokie, whats 2days tip?

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hope you all had my tip of the day...

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