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good morning all

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berniecuddles | 05:20 Tue 03rd Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
cloudy and overcast here in bean been raining as well!
hope weather is ok later need to do some gardening today getting overrun with weeds!
have a good day and be safe!!


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morning Bernie...bit grey in Birmingham but never mind Did the garden last night...the wet weather lately has made everything go wild
hi bernie and rowan

a wee bit drizzly here-so it is
Good morning all - sun is peeking through here in Dover, I am hopeful, the washing is going out on the line! Isn't it quiet here? I believe wbm is away, but where is everyone else?
Morning :-)

Sunny here in Northampton....
How are you feeling Ummm? have you murdered your children yet?
No.....Martin told me that it was illegal :-(
probably for the sound brighter ...
Morning bernie and everyone.
Lovely sunshine here at the moment.
Good morning to you ummmm,hope you,re well and not to stressed! xx
Have a great day all.Regards dg
Yes....feel better now. Had a proper dinner last night for the first time in a week. Finished the starters and half the main. Think my stomach has shrunk....

Sent youngest to bed with no dinner last night for his back chat and cheek. He kept shouting down the stairs that what I was doing was against the law :-)
A bit dull and humid in Devon this morning. I want rain desperately!!!
Morning all,

A lovely sunny morning, a little breezy.
Dull, and overcast at the moment with showers forecast later here in Notts, Just have to wait and see how it turns out before making too many plans
good morning x

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