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hello today im jeremy kyle

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zzxxee | 10:34 Tue 03rd Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
69 Answers
here to answer all your problems in a straight talking patronising shouty type way !!!!!
lets talk .............


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i have my informatives to know about provvy and other things!!!!
best mates with your babys dad what and you have never met him???
maybe your babys dad kept him quiet and wouldnt introduce you cos he wants him all to himself
think about it madam its not rocket science !!!
But i never did rocket science at school me....he is my baby's dad's best mate but my baby's dad doesn't let me out the house in case i run off wiff someone else see so i aint never met him. I know he likes me though cos jamall, my bf, he said that all the guys he knows fancy me on account of my rudey pictures being all over his face book page
Question Author
madam the lie detector results have just come in and guess what?????????????????
you were lieing !!!(audience gasps)
there are no rudey pics you just made out you were a thick cheap harlot when really you go to oxford university and have an ambition to be stephen hawkins sidekick !!!!
madam why the lies ???????
Question Author
aha silence you are guilty !!!!
I've just microwaved a tin of chicken soup

(merciasounds will be SO jealous of my culinary skills)

Olive says she would have made me something if I'd asked.

I'm not so sure.

Can I send Olive for a lie detector test ?
*Flounces off stage in floods of tears*
Where's zzxxee gone? I was just starting to enjoy this. Omg does that mean I'm turning into a chav?
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yes jan you are the queen of chavs !!!!
sorry nipped out for a bit back for half hour or so x
Question Author
olive is a saint as you well knoww jj and doesnt need a lie detector she is an angel on earth xx

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