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Immortal298 | 22:27 Wed 31st Aug 2005 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers
I'm watching Supernanny on channel four right now and all i can say is OH MY GOD!!  How can kids end up like that?  It's horrible.


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A right good slap never did me any harm. Except the black eyes and the perforated ear drum, But you know what i'm getting at.
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i dont mean to be mean, but it has to be the parents.  there's no way that kid would have turned out the way he did if they'd given him the right attention and discipline from the start.  i think supernanny is a genius.
How many parents are there like this out there as well, I mean all we see are the ones willing to come on the show. It really is frightening. I've got two kids, and they got disciplined(A little skelp,Discipline sounds a bit severe), and i have two of the best behaved, well mannered kids you could meet. Well, maybe not my daughter, she's evil.
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i dont have kids yet, but when i do i'm gonna go by supernanny's advice.  i use the naughty spot thing when my baby sister comes to stay and it works a treat. 
Use the naughty hand. The good hand is for giving sweets, the bad hand is for a slap, See what one they prefer.(I am kiddind bfore anyone phones the social :o)
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i dont think i'd ever slap kids.  i know ur kidding, but a lot of people out there do slap their kids.  there's no need for it.  there are a million other ways to assert control, and all slapping does is teach them that violence is ok.
Yeah i know. Luckily? we gave our kids what they wanted for Christmas every year(My son had a tv, vcr and PS2 in his room when he was 5), so any time he does anything wrong, something comes out his room, He soon behaves then. As for the evil one, i'm afraid there's no bribing her.

It is so difficult to rear children, especially in that toddler age. Balancing patience, love, and discipline is quite the challenge. Many children end up like those little harpies on the television because the parents do not work together and they give in rather than do what is best for all.

johntheplamf you crack me up....! I imagine that a high percentage will miss your humour, but i get it, and it's ace!

i see absolutly nothing wrong with giving a child a smacked bottom or a tap across the hand. Me and my brother used to get our heads banged together when we were arguing as children and if we were very naughty my mum used to smack our bare bums with a woden spoon or a flip-flop. Me and my brother have turned out perfectly normal, my brother has just finished his degree at uni and is now working as a music teacher, and i too am in full time employment as a supervisor earning a very good wage. So when i have a child u can bet that if/when it misbehaves its going to get a smack too.

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