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Gardening again!

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Mamyalynne | 01:44 Wed 04th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
I hesitate to bring the topic up again (gardening that is) but I only have a small triangular patch, my question is - weed control? How can you eradicate them without damaging the whole area, as you can tell am not very clued up in this department, having led a sheltered life.


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So that is to dig the weeds out? Looks quite dangerous!
Maybe it is used for getting weeds out of the cracks between paving slabs?
it is Nottingham's soft & hand worked
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There is definitely a crack element there Ena to be sure
nite all - work 2moro
not worked enough then tambo.
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Night Tambo, don,t wear that it will raise your voice three octaves♪
goodnight tambo - sweet dreams
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I would have nightmares wearing that reminds me of an incident I dare not mention.......
Go on - you know you want to - it could be the frontespiece in my new book ☺
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I think I must have dripped some of my fertilizer - sorry

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Gardening again!

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