My period is next due on 14 August but I have taken 2 pregnancy tests today, both have come up positive straight away. How reliable is this given I have yet to miss my period? My friend says not to get too excited as there's a chance the pregnancy can come out with my period??
Hi - thanks for responding. We've been trying for 10 months and I had a normal period last month starting 14 July. Not on any medication. I only did the test today because due for appt at hospital for 6 monthly colposcopy check and because we've been trying for a baby my husband suggested I checked to be on the safe side. I havent had any symptons but now I think about it I have noticed the small bumps around my nipples are more pronounced - no idea if that's a sign? I guess I'll just have to wait it out until my next period is due but I'm dying to get excited but am not sure how reliable the tests I have done are. I have purchased another testwhich tells you how far gone you are but that says not to be used until the day of your period!
It would make sense I guess, in hindsight, because I couldnt imagine a preg test showing positive so early on otherwise. It came up with the second line almost immediately and I have taken the same type of test previously so I know it has shown negative before. I suppose I'll await the 10 days or so (the longest 10 days in my life!!) in the hope my period doesn't arrive!
those digi ones aren't known for being allt hat reliable regarding the conception indicator, however, you need to add on two weeks to that, so it looks like you might have been pregnant for a while rather than days