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micmak | 15:24 Fri 06th Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
But who was the happy Gambian? I didn't understand his post anyway !!!!!


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Just another klown I imagine.
Maybe he was a close friend of that L&B poster who tried to take over AB last night
me either
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I didn't see any of last nights posts, only the comments made afterwards.
was he the user formerly known (for about 10 minutes this morning) as TexMex, perhaps? They have the lasting power of mayflies, some of these kids.
We can usually spot this poster now just from the choice of username (assuming TexMex = LowandBehold=TheHappyGambian and a few others I have forgotten).
Well done to the Ed and his team who are spotting these and acting so quickly, although I don't know how they can be so sure though unless the IP address is the giveaway sign
i have seen some newbies being accused of being him, then banned, that were not him and others pretending to be him. It is funny tho'

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