Firefox but of course you should try both out and make up your own mind.
Thunderbird, if you need to use an email client.
I use gmail and manage all my other email accounts such as blueyonder through that.
The advantage is I can access them from any computer in the world, as long as it is connected to the internet.
Do you mean Outlook or OE?
If you want to use Outlook you'll have to install it.
OE no longer ships with Windows, so if you want OE (or its nearest equivalent) you'll need Windows Live Mail.
Firefox still the best browser? Many will tell you this but never bother to check the facts. They look for every excuse to bag IE and overlook any flaw in Firefox. One must never question a religious belief.
Faster than IE8. Proven as a myth.
Some have made a big deal about IE6 having some security flaws that became apparent when IE8 (never mind IE7) was already available. If you want to make that comparison then you had better compare Firefox 2. Firefox warns that you must upgrade to be secure. Unlike Microsoft they don't suport their old versions at all.
Firefox has recently been through a real bad patch where a lot of stuff didn't work properly. Still it is a great option if you hate Microsoft even if it doesn't work properly.
Chrome was released with much hoopla but got very little interest for a long time. If it has gained a rapid market share it was only through install numbers rather than browsing activity. They pushed it out automatically with Google Earth upgrades or hardly anyone would have bothered.
They all work. Just one golden rule. Safari totally sucks.
no problem with stuff on my Firefox. But you don't have to choose, you can install both and as many others as you want. I follow one blog that is configured for IE and often goes wonky on Firefox, so I look at it on IE.
Goofy, I think the basic asnswer is if yours ain't broke, you don't need to fix it. But as you can have more than one it shouldn't be a problem anyway.
Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against Firefox. It is a fine browser. I am just against the ridiculous misleading hype that its supporters propogate.
I have IE (not sure which version) on my current pc, also Opera and Firefox. Mostly use Firefox, but sometimes I have difficulty with a site and then go to opera.
Have to have IE for downloading MS updates (eg to Word and Excel).
Guess I'll just carry on with all of them!"